Hamamatsu Castle, situated in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, originally bore the name Hikuma Castle or Shusse-jo ("Castle of Success"). Constructed around 1532 by Imagawa Sadatsuke on a modest hill, its fate changed with the fall of the Imagawa clan following their defeat by Oda Nobunaga at Okehazama in 1560. In the aftermath, Tokugawa Ieyasu, then 29 years old, claimed control of the stronghold, shifting his base from Okazaki to Hamamatsu in 1570. Over the next 17 years, Ieyasu fortified and expanded the castle, shaping it into a Teikakushi-styled layout spanning 600 meters east to west and 650 meters north to south. The south-facing main gate stood sentinel over the vital Tokaido Route.
One legendary incident highlights the strategic cunning of Ieyasu. After narrowly escaping defeat at the Battle of Mikatagahara in 1572, Ieyasu returned to Hamamatsu Castle. He left the main gates open and ignited all the brazier fires, illuminating the fortress to guide his retreating samurai. The resounding beat of a war drum echoed through the January night. When Takeda Shingen's army approached and witnessed the scene, they suspected a trap and refrained from entering, inadvertently sparing Ieyasu and his forces.
In 1577, Ieyasu renamed the castle Hamamatsu. It became known as the "Castle of Success" as many of its lords achieved greater prominence, including Ieyasu's ascent to Shogun. The castle saw a succession of rulers during the Edo period, undergoing 12 changes of lordship.
In modern times, Hamamatsu Castle underwent dismantlement, with its moats filled in, and the inner Honmaru areas transformed into a city park. However, in 1958, a three-story Tenshu was reconstructed in concrete atop the original Nozura-zumi-made Tenshu-dai. The castle's remaining 10.28-hectare grounds, along with its ishigaki stone walls and layout, serve as exceptional examples of a large Sengoku-period castle. Visitors can explore the reconstructed Tenshu, which features a georama of the former castle's layout, a museum housing armor and weapons, and Tokugawa-related artifacts. Recent research suggests that the castle's original keep was not a Tenshu but a large two-story Yagura in the Ni-no-Maru. The reconstruction of the castle's Tenshu-mon in the traditional manner enhances the historical ambiance of Hamamatsu Castle.
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Yoshida Castle
Yoshida Castle is renowned worldwide, particularly through the intricate woodblock prints by Edo Period artist Hiroshige. His famous series, depicting the 53 stages of the Tokaido—the historic route between Kyoto and Edo (modern-day Tokyo)—includes the 34th print, which shows workmen repairing a castle overlooking a wooden bridge crossing a wide river. This scene captures the Toyokawa River at Toyohashi in southeast Aichi Prefecture, and the castle is Yoshida Castle.
Yamato Koriyama Castle
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Yamanaka Castle
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Uwajima Castle
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Ueda Castle
Ueda Castle in Nagano Prefecture once stood prominently on a cliff overlooking the Saigawa River. Also known as Amagafuchi-Jo, Isesaki-Jo, Matsuo-Jo, and Sanada-Jo, it was built around 1583 by its first master, Sanada Masayuki. This sturdy yet small fortress cleverly utilized the surrounding natural defenses, including the river, steep rocky cliffs, the layout of the town below, and the strategically designed waterways to hinder attackers. Ueda Castle was fortified with seven defensive yagura (watchtowers) atop robust stone walls and had two large gates with watchtowers above them.
Tsuyama Castle
Tsuyama Castle, located in Tsuyama City, Okayama Prefecture, is celebrated as one of Japan's top three major hilltop (Hirayama) castles, alongside Himeji and Matsuyama Castles. Originally, Tsuyama Castle comprised 77 structures, including the main keep, various yagura (watchtowers), gates, palaces, and living quarters. For comparison, Hiroshima Castle had 76 structures, and Himeji had 61. The first castle on this site was built in 1441 but was soon abandoned. The large-scale construction that we recognize today began in 1603 under the orders of Mori Tadamasa. The castle served as the administrative base for the Tsuyama Han daimyo, the Mori clan from 1603 to 1697, and the Matsudaira clan from 1698 to 1871.
Tsu Castle
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Sasayama Castle
Tamba Sasayama Castle, also known as Sasayama or Kirigajo (Mist Castle), is a flatland castle (hira-jiro) situated on a gentle rise in the Tamba region of Hyogo Prefecture. It was constructed in 1608 as part of Tokugawa Ieyasu's strategy to prepare for an attack on Osaka, aiming to bring an end to the Toyotomi clan. Ieyasu ordered the castle's construction using the Tenka Bushin system, engaging 20 former enemy daimyo and their forces to complete the complex within six months. This system kept the former enemies close and preoccupied, financially straining them and limiting their capacity for further conflict. The stones used in Sasayama Castle feature engravings called kokumon, indicating who made each part of the walls and preventing theft by other lords' men.