
Fushimi Castle, also known as Momoyama Castle or Fushimi-Momoyama Castle, is located in Fushimi Ward, Kyoto. Originally built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi between 1592 and 1594 as his retirement residence, the castle was destroyed by the 1596 Keichō–Fushimi earthquake and later rebuilt. However, it was demolished again in 1623, and its site now houses the tomb of Emperor Meiji. A replica of the castle was constructed nearby in 1964.

The Azuchi–Momoyama period of Japanese history partly derives its name from Fushimi Castle. The original structure was designed more as a retirement palace for Hideyoshi than a military fortress, known for its luxurious interiors, including the famous Golden Tea Room, adorned with gold leaf. Twenty provinces contributed workers for the castle’s construction, involving a labor force of 20,000–30,000.

Though the castle was primarily a lavish residence, it played a strategic role during key historical events. In 1600, it was the site of a significant siege by Ishida Mitsunari’s forces, where Tokugawa Ieyasu's loyal retainer, Torii Mototada, heroically defended the castle for 11 days. This delay was crucial, giving Tokugawa enough time to gather his army and ultimately secure victory at the Battle of Sekigahara.

In 1623, after the castle was dismantled, its materials were repurposed for temples and other structures across Japan. Some temples in Kyoto, such as Yōgen-in, Genkō-an, and Hōsen-in, even have ceilings made from floorboards stained with the blood of Torii's garrison, who committed seppuku after the castle fell.

The current Fushimi Castle, rebuilt in 1964 using concrete, served as a museum showcasing Hideyoshi's life and achievements, and was part of a theme park called "Castle Land" before closing to the public in 2003. However, the grounds were reopened in 2007.


See also

  • Matsushiro Castle


    Matsushiro Castle, originally known as Kaizu Castle, is located in what was once Matsushiro town, now part of Nagano City. The site is recognized as a National Historic Site of Japan. Situated on the northern Shinano flatlands between the Chikuma River and a former riverbed that serves as a natural outer moat to the north, the castle and its surrounding town were prone to flooding due to their location.

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  • Odawara Castle


    Odawara Castle, located in the city of Odawara, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, is a reconstructed historical site with roots dating back to the Kamakura period (1185–1333). The current donjon (main keep) was rebuilt using reinforced concrete in 1960 on the stone foundation of the original structure, which was dismantled between 1870 and 1872 during the Meiji Restoration.

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  • Shinpu Castle


    Shinpu Castle was a Japanese hirayama-style fortress from the Sengoku period, situated in what is now Nirasaki, Yamanashi Prefecture. It served as the main stronghold of warlord Takeda Katsuyori. Designated as a National Historic Site in 1973, the castle occupies a strategic position on a mountain with steep cliffs, overlooking the Kamanashi River to the west of Kofu, where Takeda Shingen’s Tsutsujigasaki Castle once stood.

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  • Takato Castle


    Takato Castle, located in the city of Ina in southern Nagano Prefecture, Japan, was a notable stronghold during the Sengoku period. By the end of the Edo period, it was the residence of a cadet branch of the Naito clan, the daimyo of the Takato Domain. Also known as Kabuto Castle, it was originally constructed in the 16th century and is now mostly in ruins.

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  • Takatenjin Castle


    Takatenjin Castle was a yamashiro-style fortress from Japan's Sengoku period, situated in the Kamihijikata and Shimohijikata districts of Kakegawa, Shizuoka Prefecture. Designated a National Historic Site in 1975, with an expanded protected area in 2007, its ruins remain a significant historical landmark.

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  • Yoshida Castle


    Yoshida Castle is renowned worldwide, particularly through the intricate woodblock prints by Edo Period artist Hiroshige. His famous series, depicting the 53 stages of the Tokaido—the historic route between Kyoto and Edo (modern-day Tokyo)—includes the 34th print, which shows workmen repairing a castle overlooking a wooden bridge crossing a wide river. This scene captures the Toyokawa River at Toyohashi in southeast Aichi Prefecture, and the castle is Yoshida Castle.

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  • Yamato Koriyama Castle


    The impressive ruins of Koriyama Castle sit atop a small hill, surrounded by two rivers. The strategic positioning and strong layout of the castle served it well through the final years of the Sengoku period and the peaceful days of the Edo period.

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  • Yamanaka Castle


    Yamanaka Castle, established by Hojo Ujiyasu in the 1560s, is located in what is now eastern Mishima, Shizuoka Prefecture. This castle served as the first line of western defense for the main Hojo Castle at Odawara. Carved into the side of a 586-meter-high mountain, Yamanaka Castle was strategically positioned along the Tokaido Highway, offering superb views of nearby Mt. Fuji, the ocean, and the road leading to Odawara.

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