
Arima Toyouji was a prominent figure in the late Sengoku and early Edo periods, holding the titles of Daimyo and Lord of Tamba Fukuchiyama. He also had the distinction of being the inaugural Lord of Kurume Domain. Born in Mitsuda Castle at Miki, Arima-gun, Harima Province (present-day Hyogo Prefecture), Toyouji's early years were marked by service to the daimyo Watarase Shigeaki, where he held the position of chief councilor. This allegiance remained until the Watarase clan's involvement in the Toyotomi Hidetsugu incident of 1595, which culminated in their collective seppuku. Subsequently, Toyouji realigned himself with Hideyoshi, earning him a stipend of 30,000 koku and lands in Totomi (now Shizuoka Prefecture).

During Hideyoshi’s Korean Campaign, Toyouji dispatched a contingent of 200 men to safeguard Nagoya Castle in Kyushu. Following Hideyoshi's passing, he allied with Tokugawa Ieyasu and led 900 troops in the Battle of Sekigahara. This included a pre-battle assault on Gifu Castle and active involvement in the main confrontation itself.

For his exceptional contributions, Toyouji received the newly established Tamba Fukuchiyama domain, along with an allocation of 60,000 koku. He further distinguished himself in the 1614 winter Siege of Osaka.

Earlier, in 1606, he had been called upon to contribute manpower, resources, and funds for the reconstruction of Edo Castle’s central Honmaru precincts. The following year, similar requests were made for Sunpu Castle, and in 1618, Osaka Castle also received his support. These ventures, while commendable, placed considerable strain on the domain's finances.

Due to their commendable service, the Arima clan was relocated to Kurume Domain in late 1620, receiving an endowment of 210,000 koku. Adhering to the newly enforced Tokugawa law, which permitted only one castle per domain, Arima initiated the reconstruction of Kurume Castle. Salvaging components from the now-defunct Enokizu and Fukushima Castles, he simultaneously improved economic conditions for all within his domain.

Despite his advancing age, between December 1637 and April 1638, Arima Toyouji led 6,300 men in the Shimabara Rebellion under the Tokugawa banner.

Arima Toyouji was not solely a warrior, but a man of culture, distinguished as one of the Seven Great Followers of Sen No Rikyu. He was also an adherent of Zen Buddhism and a scholar of Confucianism.

Upon his demise at the age of 74, two of his most trusted advisors followed suit, committing Junshi—a form of ritual suicide—to serve their lord in the afterlife. His son, Tadayori, assumed leadership of the clan.

See also

  • Hojo Ujimasa


    Hojo Ujimasa (1538 – August 10, 1590) was the fourth leader of the later Hojo clan and the daimyo of Odawara. He continued his father Hojo Ujiyasu's policy of territorial expansion, achieving the largest territorial holdings in the clan's history.

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  • Uesugi Kagetora


    Uesugi Kagetora (1552 – April 19, 1579) was the seventh son of Hojo Ujiyasu and was originally known as Hojo Saburo. He was adopted by Uesugi Kenshin and intended to be Kenshin's heir. However, in 1578, he was attacked in his Otate Castle by Uesugi Kagekatsu, his brother-in-law, and was ultimately defeated. Kagetora committed suicide the following year at Samegao Castle.

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  • Hojo Ujinao


    Hojo Ujinao (1562 – December 19, 1591) was a Japanese daimyo of the late Sengoku period and the last leader of the Later Hojo clan. An important figure in Azuchi-Momoyama politics, he lost his entire domain following the Siege of Odawara (1590). Despite this, he survived, and his family continued as minor daimyo during the Edo period.

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  • Takeda Katsuyori


    Takeda Katsuyori (1546 – April 3, 1582) was a Japanese daimyo of the Sengoku period, renowned as the head of the Takeda clan and successor to the legendary warlord Takeda Shingen. He was also the son-in-law of Hojo Ujiyasu. Katsuyori was born to Shingen and the daughter of Suwa Yorishige, known posthumously as Suwa-goryonin and by her real name, Koihime. His children included Takeda Nobukatsu and Takeda Katsuchika.

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  • Yasuke


    Yasuke, an African page, arrived in Japan in 1579 as the attendant of the Italian Jesuit missionary Alessandro Valignano. Before the arrival of the Englishman William Adams, it is thought that Yasuke was possibly the inaugural non-Japanese samurai, arriving about twenty years earlier.

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  • Yamanami Keisuke


    Yamanami Keisuke, the second in command of the Shinsengumi, a special police force during the late Edo period, shocked many when he performed seppuku on March 20, 1865, at the age of 32.

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  • Yamamoto Kansuke


    Yamamoto Kansuke, renowned as a samurai strategist and one of Takeda Shingen's esteemed 24 Generals, hailed from the Mikawa region, known for breeding formidable warriors. Despite physical challenges—blindness in one eye, lameness in one leg, and a malformed hand—Kansuke embarked on a warrior's pilgrimage in his twenties. Traveling across the land, he honed his skills in strategy, tactics, castle construction, and warfare, engaging in various swordsmanship schools and forms.

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  • Yamaga Soko


    Yamaga Soko was a multifaceted figure in Japanese history, renowned as a strategist, philosopher, and scholar. Later in life, he became a ronin, leaving a significant mark on the understanding of the Tokugawa period samurai.

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