The series of conflicts in 1584 known as the Battle of Komaki and Nagakute unfolded between the armies of Hashiba Hideyoshi (who later assumed the name Toyotomi Hideyoshi in 1586) and those of Oda Nobukatsu and Tokugawa Ieyasu. Prior to this, both Hideyoshi and Ieyasu had served under Oda Nobunaga without encountering any clashes, making this their sole period of hostility. While the history predominantly recalls the two major battles, the event is sometimes referred to as the Komaki Campaign.
In 1583, during the Battle of Shizugatake, Hideyoshi lent his support to Nobukatsu, Oda Nobunaga's second son, and defeated Shibata Katsuie, a supporter of Nobunaga's third son, Nobutaka. Following this victory, Hideyoshi invited Nobukatsu and other generals to his newly completed Osaka Castle to assert his dominance and reverse the power dynamic. Nobukatsu, however, refused to attend, severing ties with Hideyoshi. Hideyoshi attempted to reconcile with three of Nobukatsu's main retainers, which fueled suspicions and ultimately led to their execution. This gave Hideyoshi a pretext to attack Nobukatsu, prompting Nobukatsu to seek help from Tokugawa Ieyasu. As Ieyasu dispatched his forces, the conflict shifted into a confrontation between Hideyoshi and Ieyasu.
Battle Events:
The initial battle took place near Mount Komaki, leading to its designation as the "Battle of Komaki." Subsequent engagements unfolded in the vicinity of Nagakute, resulting in the name "Battle of Nagakute" for the overall conflict.
Battle of Haguro:
In Tensho 12, on the 13th day of the third month (April 23, 1584), Ieyasu reached Kiyosu Castle. On the same day, warriors aligned with the Oda clan, led by Ikeda Tsuneoki, defected to Hideyoshi's side, capturing Inuyama Castle originally built by Oda Nobunaga. Learning of this, Ieyasu hurried to Inuyama Castle, arriving two days later. Concurrently, Mori Nagayoshi sought Kiyosu Castle, launching an assault but suffering significant losses. Ieyasu then took control of Inuyama Castle on the 18th day of the third month (April 28).
Mission to Mikawa:
Hideyoshi departed Osaka Castle on the 21st day (May 1), arriving at Inuyama Castle on the 27th day (May 7), and Gakuden (now Inuyama) on the 5th day of the fourth month (May 14, 1584). During this time, Ieyasu mostly avoided direct confrontation, leading Hideyoshi to lower his guard, especially due to Tsuneoki's assertion that Ieyasu was vulnerable in Komakiyama. Hideyoshi, driven by ambition, decided to march towards Mikawa, with support from Mori Nagayoshi, Ikeda Tsuneoki, Hori Hidemasa, and young Hidetsugu. However, their forces suffered a significant defeat in various battles.
Battle of Iwasaki Castle:
Part of the larger Battle of Komaki and Nagakute, the Battle of Iwasaki involved Ikeda Tsuneoki's forces attacking the garrison at Iwasaki Castle, led by Niwa Ujitsugu. Tsuneoki's aggressive assault led to the capture of the castle.
Battle of Hakusanmori:
As Hideyoshi's commanders sought refuge at Hakusanmori, Tokugawa forces closed in. Ōsuga Yasutaka and Sakakibara Yasumasa launched a surprise attack on Hideyoshi's forces, leading to their significant defeat.
Battle of Hinokigane:
Following the Battle of Hakusanmori, Tokugawa forces fortified Mount Komaki, resulting in a standoff. Toyotomi Hideyoshi's commander, Ikeda Tsuneoki, attempted raids in Mikawa Province, leading to clashes with Tokugawa troops. Despite initial resistance, Hori Hidemasa was forced to withdraw.
Battle of Nagakute:
Mori Nagayoshi planned to flank Tokugawa forces during a support operation for Ii Naomasa, but Tokugawa charged directly, avoiding the intended flanking. This demoralized Hideyoshi's forces, and Tokugawa gained the upper hand.
Hideyoshi's forces pursued Ieyasu but couldn't catch him. Eventually, Hideyoshi and Ieyasu reached a peace agreement in early 1585. Despite the advantages Ieyasu gained in these engagements, both leaders recognized the folly of continuing their quarrel and opted for reconciliation.
See also
Battles of Kawanakajima
The Battles of Kawanakajima were a series of fierce conflicts during Japan's Sengoku period, waged between Takeda Shingen of Kai Province and Uesugi Kenshin of Echigo Province from 1553 to 1564. These battles centered around the strategic Kawanakajima plain, lying between the Sai and Chikuma rivers in northern Shinano Province, now within Nagano City. The rivalry began when Shingen took control of Shinano, forcing Ogasawara Nagatoki and Murakami Yoshikiyo to seek refuge with Kenshin, prompting repeated clashes.
Siege of Odawara 1590
The Third Siege of Odawara in 1590 was a pivotal moment in Toyotomi Hideyoshi's efforts to neutralize the Hojo clan as a challenge to his authority. In the months leading up to the siege, the Hojo made significant, hurried improvements to the castle's defenses as Hideyoshi’s intentions became clear. However, despite Hideyoshi's overwhelming force, there was little actual combat during the siege.
Battle of Tenmokuzan
The Battle of Tenmokuzan in 1582 is remembered as the final stand of the Takeda clan in Japan. This battle marked the last attempt by Takeda Katsuyori to resist Oda Nobunaga's relentless campaign against him. Fleeing from his pursuers, Katsuyori set fire to his fortress at Shinpu Castle and sought refuge in the mountains at Iwadono, a stronghold held by his loyal retainer, Oyamada Nobushige. However, Oyamada betrayed Katsuyori, denying him entry. Left with no other option, Katsuyori committed suicide alongside his wife, while the remnants of his army made a valiant effort to hold off their attackers.
Battle of Oshu
The Northern Fujiwara clan had governed the Mutsu and Dewa provinces since 1087, maintaining their rule for over a century by 1189. The clan was founded by Fujiwara no Kiyohira, alongside Minamoto no Yoshiie, who established their independence in Hiraizumi, located in present-day Iwate Prefecture. Under Kiyohira, and later his successors Fujiwara no Motohira and Fujiwara no Hidehira, the Northern Fujiwara reached the height of their power in the Tohoku region. They infused the area with Kyoto culture and constructed significant temples, such as Chuson-ji, founded in 1095.
Battle of Omosu
The 1580 Battle of Omosu (Omosu no Tatakai) was one of many conflicts between the Hojo and Takeda clans during Japan's Sengoku period. What sets this battle apart is its rarity as one of the few naval engagements in pre-modern Japan. The conflict occurred off the coast of the Izu Peninsula, involving the fleets of Hojo Ujimasa, the leader of the Hojo clan, and Takeda Katsuyori, the head of the Takeda clan.
The Battle of Azukizaka
The Battle of Azukizaka, also known as the Battle of Bato-ga-hara, occurred in 1564, as Tokugawa Ieyasu aimed to quash the emerging threat of the Ikko-ikki, a coalition of monks, samurai, and peasants strongly opposed to samurai rule.
Battle of Osaka
Upon Toyotomi Hideyoshi's death in 1598, Japan entered a period of governance by the Council of Five Elders, with Tokugawa Ieyasu wielding the most influence. Following his victory over Ishida Mitsunari in the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, Ieyasu effectively seized control of Japan and disbanded the Council. In 1603, the Tokugawa shogunate was established in Edo, with Hideyoshi's son, Toyotomi Hideyori, and his mother, Yodo-dono, permitted to reside at Osaka Castle. Hideyori was granted a significant fief valued at 657,400 koku but remained confined to the castle for several years. As a means of control, it was arranged for Hideyori to marry Senhime, the daughter of Hidetada, in 1603, who had ties to both clans. Ieyasu aimed to establish a strong and stable regime under his clan's rule, with only the Toyotomi, led by Hideyori and influenced by Yodo-dono, posing a challenge to his ambitions.
Battle of Shizugatake
The Battle of Shizugatake, occurring during Japan's Sengoku period, unfolded between Toyotomi Hideyoshi (then known as Hashiba Hideyoshi) and Shibata Katsuie in Shizugatake, Omi Province, spanning two days from the 20th day of the fourth month of Tensho 11 (equivalent to June 10-11, 1583, on the Gregorian calendar). Katsuie, supporting Oda Nobutaka's claim as successor of Oda Nobunaga, engaged in a succession dispute within the Oda clan, ultimately favoring Hideyoshi.