
The Battle of Azukizaka, also known as the Battle of Bato-ga-hara, occurred in 1564, as Tokugawa Ieyasu aimed to quash the emerging threat of the Ikko-ikki, a coalition of monks, samurai, and peasants strongly opposed to samurai rule.

Tensions escalated in Mikawa province when the Ikko-ikki resisted samurai efforts to tax their temples. Conflict erupted in 1563 when Suganuma Sada, a vassal of Tokugawa, seized rice from Jogu-ji in Okazaki to feed his troops. In retaliation, the monks attacked Suganuma's castle and reclaimed the rice, barricading themselves at Jogu-ji. When Tokugawa sent envoys to investigate, they were executed. Another incident involved an Ikki attack on a merchant at a temple near Honsho-ji, leading to a failed raid by Tokugawa.

On January 15, 1564, the Battle of Azukizaka commenced. Tokugawa Ieyasu, intent on crushing the Ikko-ikki in Mikawa Province, sought aid from the warrior-monks of Daiju-ji Temple, with whom he had good relations. Among the Ikki ranks were Ieyasu's vassals, including Honda Masanobu, who sympathized with the Ikki cause. The battle was intense, with Tokugawa personally leading the charge, confronting enemy samurai on the front lines. Despite bullets piercing his armor, Tokugawa Ieyasu remained unwounded. His bravery swayed many samurai who had defected to the Ikki to switch sides, resulting in the Ikki's defeat.

However, the battle did not mark the end of Ikki resistance in Mikawa, prompting Tokugawa Ieyasu to continue his campaign to suppress Ikki rebellions in the province.

See also 

  • Battle of Osaka


    Upon Toyotomi Hideyoshi's death in 1598, Japan entered a period of governance by the Council of Five Elders, with Tokugawa Ieyasu wielding the most influence. Following his victory over Ishida Mitsunari in the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, Ieyasu effectively seized control of Japan and disbanded the Council. In 1603, the Tokugawa shogunate was established in Edo, with Hideyoshi's son, Toyotomi Hideyori, and his mother, Yodo-dono, permitted to reside at Osaka Castle. Hideyori was granted a significant fief valued at 657,400 koku but remained confined to the castle for several years. As a means of control, it was arranged for Hideyori to marry Senhime, the daughter of Hidetada, in 1603, who had ties to both clans. Ieyasu aimed to establish a strong and stable regime under his clan's rule, with only the Toyotomi, led by Hideyori and influenced by Yodo-dono, posing a challenge to his ambitions.

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  • Battle of Shizugatake


    The Battle of Shizugatake, occurring during Japan's Sengoku period, unfolded between Toyotomi Hideyoshi (then known as Hashiba Hideyoshi) and Shibata Katsuie in Shizugatake, Omi Province, spanning two days from the 20th day of the fourth month of Tensho 11 (equivalent to June 10-11, 1583, on the Gregorian calendar). Katsuie, supporting Oda Nobutaka's claim as successor of Oda Nobunaga, engaged in a succession dispute within the Oda clan, ultimately favoring Hideyoshi.

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  • Battles of Kizugawaguchi


    The pair of Kizugawaguchi Battles took place during Oda Nobunaga's endeavors to besiege the Ishiyama Hongan-ji in Osaka. Serving as the stronghold of the Ikko-ikki, a coalition of warrior monks, priests, and farmers in opposition to Oda's rule, the Hongan-ji posed a formidable challenge. To counter the Ikko-ikki's attempts to supply the fortress and break the siege, Oda commanded Admiral Kuki Yoshitaka to organize a blockade against their allies' fleets. Among the opposition were influential families, notably the Mori Terumoto from the Mori clan in neighboring provinces.

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  • The Battle of Okehazama


    In the year 1560, Imagawa Yoshimoto, a formidable warlord who held dominion over the provinces of Suruga, Totomi, and Mikawa, gathered a mighty army of 25,000 men. His objective was to march upon Kyoto, challenging the increasingly feeble and ineffectual Ashikaga shogunate for control of Japan. The army traced its path along the Tokaido highway, crossing from Mikawa into Owari province, recently unified by the local warlord, Oda Nobunaga.

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  • The Battle of Komaki and Nagakute


    The series of conflicts in 1584 known as the Battle of Komaki and Nagakute unfolded between the armies of Hashiba Hideyoshi (who later assumed the name Toyotomi Hideyoshi in 1586) and those of Oda Nobukatsu and Tokugawa Ieyasu. Prior to this, both Hideyoshi and Ieyasu had served under Oda Nobunaga without encountering any clashes, making this their sole period of hostility. While the history predominantly recalls the two major battles, the event is sometimes referred to as the Komaki Campaign.

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  • The Battle of Mikatagahara


    The Battle of Mikatagahara occurred during Japan's Sengoku period and pitted Takeda Shingen against Tokugawa Ieyasu. This clash took place on January 25, 1573, in Mikatagahara, Tōtōmi Province. Shingen launched an assault on Ieyasu's forces in the Mikatagahara plains, north of Hamamatsu. This engagement happened within the context of Shingen's campaign against Oda Nobunaga, as he sought a passage from Kōfu to Kyoto.

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  • The Battle of Sekigahara: Decisive Shift in Japanese History


    Taking place on October 21, 1600, in what is now Gifu prefecture, Japan, the Battle of Sekigahara marked a turning point at the culmination of the Sengoku period. Tokugawa Ieyasu's forces clashed with a coalition led by Ishida Mitsunari, loyal to Toyotomi, with many clans defecting before or during the battle, ultimately leading to Tokugawa's triumph. This battle, the largest in Japanese feudal history, holds paramount significance and paved the way for the Tokugawa shogunate's establishment.

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  • The Battle of Imayama


    On August 20, 1570, the Battle of Imayama unfolded in Kyushu. Similar to the renowned Battles of Okehazama (1560) and Kawagoe (1545), the Imayama clash stands as a remarkable instance of surprise attacks during the Sengoku Period.

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