
"Samurai Jack" follows the journey of a young prince (voiced by Phil LaMarr) from a feudal Japanese kingdom. His father, the emperor of Japan (voiced by Sab Shimono as an elder and Keone Young as a younger man), received a magical katana from three gods—Ra, Rama, and Odin—which he used to defeat and imprison the demon Aku (voiced by Mako, and later by Greg Baldwin in Season 5). Eight years later, Aku escaped, conquered the land, and imprisoned the emperor. The prince's mother sent him away to train and return with the magic sword to defeat Aku. Upon his return, the now-samurai prince nearly defeats Aku, but the demon casts him into the distant future.

In this dystopian future, Jack encounters a world of retro-futurism under Aku's rule. He adopts the name "Jack" from the first people he meets. Armed only with his kimono, geta, and sword, Jack faces various obstacles in his quest to return to his time and defeat Aku. His journey is marked by near successes and close calls with Aku.

The futuristic world is inhabited by robots, extraterrestrials, talking animals, monsters, magical beings, and deities. Some areas boast advanced technology like flying cars, while others resemble ancient or industrial times. Aku has also brought aliens to Earth after destroying their home worlds. Criminals and fugitives are common, and mythological creatures coexist with technologically advanced inhabitants.

Despite the technological advancements, uninhabited areas like forests, jungles, and mountains remain largely untouched. Some communities, like Shaolin monks, have also remained unaffected by Aku's rule.

Originally airing for four seasons with thirteen episodes each from August 10, 2001, to September 25, 2004, the series concluded without resolving the main storyline. Twelve years later, "Samurai Jack" was revived for a fifth season, featuring a darker and more mature tone, which concluded Jack's story. This final season, co-produced by Williams Street, premiered on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim as part of its Toonami programming block on March 11, 2017, and ended on May 20, 2017. Episodes were primarily directed by Tartakovsky, often collaborating with others.


See also

  • Tatara Samurai


    One day, bandits raid the quiet Tatara village, renowned for its steelworks and sword craftsmanship. Despite the arrival of samurai to protect the villagers, young Gosuke's mother is tragically killed while fleeing with him.

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  • Samurai Fiction


    Samurai Fiction is a 1998 samurai-comedy film directed by Hiroyuki Nakano. The movie stands out for being filmed almost entirely in black-and-white, paying homage to classic jidaigeki samurai films. However, what sets it apart from its inspirations, including the works of Akira Kurosawa, is its modern twist, notably Tomoyasu Hotei's rock-and-roll soundtrack. A loose spinoff, Red Shadow, was released in 2001.

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  • Rurouni Kenshin


    Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Swordsman Romantic Story (Japanese: Hepburn: Rurōni Kenshin -Meiji Kenkaku Roman Tan-) is a Japanese manga series created by Nobuhiro Watsuki. Set in 1878, during the 11th year of the Meiji era in Japan, the story follows a former assassin known as Hitokiri Battosai. After his role in the turbulent Bakumatsu period, he adopts the identity of Himura Kenshin, a wandering swordsman who vows never to kill again. He dedicates his life to protecting the people of Japan. Watsuki crafted this series with the intent to create a unique shōnen manga, distinguishing it with a protagonist who is a former assassin and a narrative that becomes increasingly serious as it progresses.

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  • Samurai Spy


    Samurai Spy (Ibun Sarutobi Sasuke), also known as Spy Hunter, is a 1965 film directed by Masahiro Shinoda, adapted from a novel by Koji Nakada. The film follows the legendary ninja Sasuke Sarutobi as he hunts the elusive spy Nojiri, while a shadowy figure named Sakon leads a group of men with their own designs on Nojiri. As the pursuit unfolds, the lines between allies and enemies blur, leaving everyone unsure of each other's true allegiance. Created during the height of the Cold War, the movie reflects the complexities and shifting loyalties of spies caught in the power struggles of their era.

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  • Samurai III: Duel at Ganryu Island


    Samurai III: Duel at Ganryu Island (Japanese: Hepburn: Miyamoto Musashi Kanketsuhen: Ketto Ganryūjima) is a 1956 Japanese film directed by Hiroshi Inagaki and starring Toshiro Mifune. Filmed in Eastmancolor, it serves as the concluding chapter of Inagaki's Samurai Trilogy.

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  • Samurai Marathon


    The producing team behind Takashi Miike's "13 Assassins," Jeremy Thomas and Toshiaki Nakazawa, reunite for another visually striking and action-packed samurai film. Based on a novel by Akihiro Dobashi, this film may not reach the same heights of relentless carnage or critical acclaim as its predecessor, but it still offers an exciting and occasionally humorous addition to the samurai genre, likely to resonate with festival audiences. This story of a literal running battle between rival samurai factions could see moderate success in theaters, though it may require more marketing effort without the ultra-violent appeal that made "13 Assassins" memorable.

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  • Samurai II: Duel at Ichijoji Temple (1955)


    Duel at Ichijoji Temple (Hepburn: Zoku Miyamoto Musashi: Ichijōji no Kettō) is a 1955 Japanese film directed by Hiroshi Inagaki and starring Toshiro Mifune. Filmed in Eastmancolor, it is the second installment in Inagaki's Samurai Trilogy.

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  • The Samurai I Loved (Semishigure)


    The costumes, settings, and script of The Samurai I Loved immediately transport samurai film enthusiasts back to the golden era of classic black-and-white samurai masterpieces.

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